2024-04-25 12:41:58

因为人是暴跳如雷有感情的,有感情就会产生情绪。用英语表其中生气是暴跳如雷其中最常见的情绪之一,但是用英语表气大伤身 ,因此要控制自己的暴跳如雷情绪  ,减少发脾气的用英语表买马网站次数 。其实很多的暴跳如雷争吵都是围绕一些鸡毛蒜皮的事情 ,主要还是用英语表碌碌无为或无所事事造成的。

生气只是暴跳如雷一种情绪,但是用英语表在英语中“生气”的表达方式数不胜数  ,有的暴跳如雷使人怒火中烧,有的用英语表大发雷霆,有的暴跳如雷暴跳如雷,如 get sb's goat,用英语表piss sb off 和 bite one's head off 等等 ,暴跳如雷它们都可以表示“暴跳如雷” 。


1. get sb's goat:


Don’t let Mary get your goat. She’s just irritable today.


别让玛丽惹你生气 。一码通她今天很烦躁。

If there's one thing that gets my goat, it's some fashion critic telling us what we can and can't wear.


2. piss sb off:

Her attitude really pisses me off.


John was so pissed off when he found out that someone else had been given the promotion instead of him.

当约翰发现别人代替他升职时 ,他非常生气。

3. bite/snap one's head off:

I don't know what's wrong with Julia but she snapped my head off just now.


He was only making a suggestion — there’s no need to snap his head off!

他只是在提个建议 ,没必要生他的气!

相比于以上表达方式,lose one's temper 所表示的生气的程度没有那么大,例如 :

She never lost her temper, never raised her voice.

她从不发脾气 ,从不da's大嗓门 。

还有一个非常形象的习语 hit the roof  ,字面意思是“打天花板”,它的构造方法与 hit the road 类似;可想而知 ,hit the roof 有怒发冲冠的感觉,用来表示非常生气 ,可以意为“暴跳如雷 ,勃然大怒,大发雷霆”等,例如 :

When the referee disallowed his goal, he hit the roof and was given a red card.

当裁判驳回他的进球时  ,他勃然大怒并被红牌罚下。

Dad will hit the roof when he finds out I dented the car.


My parents are going to hit the roof if they find out we had a party here!

如果我父母发现我们在这里开派对 ,他们会大发雷霆的 !

The boss hit the roof when he saw that we'd already blown through the budget.

老板看到我们已经把预算花光了 ,大发雷霆 。

跟 hit the roof 的程度相当的还有 annoy ,irritate ,enrage 或 infuriate 等单词 ,不过这些单词主要用来表示使某人大怒或生气,例如 :


It annoys me that you're always late.

你总是迟到,我很生气 。


After a while her behaviour really began to irritate me.

过了一会儿 ,她的行为真的开始激怒我了。


Plans to build a new nightclub in the neighbourhood have enraged local residents.

在附近建一家新夜总会的计划激怒了当地居民 。


Her silence infuriated him even more.


很多人只把 anger 当名词使用,其实 anger 也可以作动词,意为“使发怒 ,激怒”,例如:

The question clearly angered him.

这个问题显然激怒了他 。

It always angers me to see so much waste.

看到这么多浪费总是让我生气 。

乱发脾气不是本事,一个人只要有了为之奋斗的伟大目标 ,就会渐渐远离鸡毛蒜皮的事情,从而最大程度地减少乱发脾气的次数。


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